Maximizing your Impact as a Product Owner

Great Product Owners are pivotal in creating exceptional products. They possess a profound understanding of both product strategy and the needs of their target customers, effectively bringing them to life for their teams. Utilizing design thinking tools, they empathize with customers, identify critical opportunities, and use feedback throughout the lifecycle to optimize outcomes.

Unfortunately, the role of the Product Owner is all too commonly misunderstood by the enterprise. Training and job descriptions tend  to focus on backlog management and planning mechanics rather than the strategy concepts, product discovery techniques and feedback generation approaches that result in successful products.

Your Customers and your Business deserve exceptional Products

Your Product Owners deserve the support to bring them to life

This program paints a picture of great product ownership, teaches the concepts and skills that bring it to life, and supports students as they apply it to their day-to-day work


"Good teams get their inspiration and product ideas from their vision and objectives, from observing customers' struggle, from analyzing the data customers generate from using their product, and from constantly seeking to apply new technology to solve real problems.  Bad teams gather requirements from sales and customers."

Marty Cagan.  INSPIRED: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love


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"The 'Maximizing Your Impact as a Product Owner Program' has truly transformed my team! Its weekly structure embedded new learnings into our daily routine. The impact has been significant, not only for me but also for our stakeholders. Their overwhelmingly positive feedback highlights the effectiveness of the course."

"Conversations with my Product Owners have been brimming with excitement as they share how much more effective and confident they feel in their roles"

Trudy Reilly - Head of Product Delivery, Secure Electronic Registries Victoria

  • "I loved the practical activities.  I'm a tactile learner, and so practicing helps embed the learning"
  • "Course led to good discussions highlighting gaps that need to be addressed"
  • "Useful practice sessions and discussions to tie everything back together"

 "Lots of practical advice and interesting discussions prompting me to think more deeply"

Feedback from learners