Coffee Club E7: Building Community and Sharing Anticipation for the Berlin SAFe Summit Apr 28, 2024

"I love the people; I love my community.  But it’s hearing new problems and understanding where they fit in the landscape of how people are trying to advance agility in their company.  For me, that’s always the best part of the summit!"

Eric Willeke


The Berlin...

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Coffee Club E6: BDD, Joy, and Helping People with Problems rather than Inflicting Practices Apr 18, 2024

“What’s the moment when you can help people understand the cause of some pain they’re in and offer them something that’s going to help with the pain?”

Mark Richards


 Rebecca’s back from Disneyworld!  Mark’s discussion with two of...

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Coffee Club E5: The challenge of being facilitated and the joy of creating connected talks Mar 21, 2024

"First you sit in the moment, then you dance in the moment, if a little bit later."

Eric Willeke


Rebecca's in Disneyworld this week, so Eric and Mark are unsupervised again! We've both just finished our second draft of our talks for the Berlin SAFe Summit, so naturally, we start by...

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Coffee Club E4: Exploring the power of cohort based training Mar 05, 2024

"I deeply love curiosity-driven learning. Go figure"

Eric Willeke


Rebecca leaves Eric and Mark unsupervised this week, and the conversation winds up revolving around Mark's highlight of the week, which is his excitement as he experiences the power of cohort-based training.


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Coffee Club E3: Bringing environmental and social sustainability to life in your product development Feb 20, 2024

"This is a very real concern for how we make decisions that need to filter all the way down to what people are doing day to day. Otherwise, it's just going to stay in that ethereal layer of well-intentioned statement that doesn't actually get acted upon."

Michael Casey


This week,...

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Coffee Club E2: The joy of feed-driven iteration and the challenge of bringing it to life (#2) Feb 06, 2024

"If you can get somebody to be brain melty and gooey and actually happy about it, man, go you!"

Rebecca Davis


Our second coffee club took a very wandering path. After Rebecca kicked us off talking about the RTE Summit, Eric's highlight of the week was the Princeton Panel discussion...

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Coffee Club E1: What we read on our holidays Jan 30, 2024

"I think being a leader and running an organization, especially one that's hard, that's big, is actually really hard. And it frustrates me when I read something and people are trying to make it sound easy or simple."

Rebecca Davis


As 2023 wrapped, we decided two things about the...

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