SPCs Unleashed E5 Reprise: Authentic Leadership - Inspiring Future Leaders Through Coaching and Example

May 17, 2024

“the drummer sets the beat and the rhythm that the band shines against… a good leader sets the beat, and they create the backdrop against which great performances happen from their people.”

Mark Richards


In this enlightening podcast episode about Leading by Example, Mark, Stephan, and Niko emphasize the critical role of leaders in fostering an environment where team members feel safe to express their ideas, which is essential for innovation. Mark highlights that leaders must listen to their teams, understand their perspectives, and value their input. Stephan adds that creating psychological safety is crucial, allowing team members to share without fear of judgment or retribution. This safety leads to greater innovation, as people are more willing to take risks and suggest creative solutions.

Trust is identified as foundational to effective collaboration. Leaders build this trust through transparency, modeling desired behaviors, and leading by example. Mark shares a personal story about a leader named Nat who inspired him, emphasizing her dedication to learning and caring for her team. Niko contributes to the discussion by emphasizing the importance of authenticity in leadership. He stresses the need for leaders to be consistent in their behavior inside and outside formal settings and to embrace feedback as part of their growth journey genuinely. Stephan shared his struggles with impostor syndrome and found solace in the concept of "confident humility" from Adam Grant, highlighting the importance of being confident in what you do while being humble about what you don’t know.

Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of listening, psychological safety, trust, leading by example, and genuine care in effective leadership. Each speaker brings a unique perspective and personal experiences that underscore these principles in practice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Authenticity and humility are crucial for effective leadership.
  • Leaders should focus on creating a safe environment that encourages learning and innovation.
  • It's important for leaders to invest in their own development and lead by example.
  • Coaching should start by amplifying leaders' strengths rather than critiquing their weaknesses.


Niko Kaintantzis (Moderator)

Stephan Neck

Mark Richards